


31/07/2009 今天烘了萝卜香橙面包。清香又柔软, 老公,孩子都赞好!
Sponge and Dough METHOD

Ingredients A:

即溶酵母 Instant Yeast 5 g
萝卜汁 carrot juice 170 g
高筋面粉 HP flour 230 g

1) 将酵母渗水溶解后倒入面粉里。
Dissolve yeast with water and pour into flour.

2) 搅拌成面团。
Beat till become a dough.

3) 让它发酵一小时。
Let it prove for 1 hour.

4) 发酵至双倍大。
Prove till double in size.

Ingredients B:

蛋 egg 20g
牛油 butter 30g
水 water 25g
酵母 yeast 2.5g
糖 sugar 60g
高粉 HP flour 100g
橙皮茸 orange peel 适量

a) 蛋、水、酵母、糖和橙皮茸 加入面团(4)。
Add in dough (4), egg, water, yeast, sugar and orange peel.

b) 搅拌至均匀。
Beat till even.

c) 加入面粉和牛油。
Add in flour and butter.

d) 搅拌成光滑和弹性的面团。
Beat to form smooth and elastic dough.

e) 发酵10 – 15 分钟。
Let it prove for 10-15 minutes.

f) 分成12个面团,搓成圆球,放入搽油烤盘。待发至双倍大。
Divide into 12 equal portions. Mould into round shape, place onto greased tray.
Leave it prove double in size.

g) 搽蛋液,撒上芝麻。
Brush with egg wash, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

h) 以180˚C 烘20 – 25 分钟。
Bake at 180˚C for 20 – 25 minutes.

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